Super Sprouts Store

Below is a complete alphabetical listing of all our recommended affiliates offering high quality organic sprouting seed varieties, plus tools, nutrients and supplies to help you produce beautiful healthy sprouts and microgreens. These links will take you directly to our affiliated brands or as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. (Visit our affiliate disclosure for more details about these policies.)

Category Listing

Sprouting Seeds
Microgreen Sprouting
Sprouting Blend Mixes
Tools and Supplies
Wheatgrass Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting Seeds

Alfalfa Seeds

Arugula Seeds

Broccoli Seeds

Buckwheat Seeds

Cress Seeds

Clover Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds

Kale Sprouting Seeds

Lentil Sprouting Seeds

Mung Bean Seeds

Mustard Seeds

Onion Seeds

Pea Shoot Seeds

Purslane Seeds

Radish Seeds

Sunflower Sprouting Seeds

Microgreen Sprouting

Sprouting Blend Mixes

Wheatgrass Sprouting Seeds

Tools and Supplies

Sprouting Kits
Sprouting Bags
Misc Supplies


Sprouting Kits

Sprouting Bags

Misc Supplies

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